Welcome to Cork City Childcare
Cúram do leanaí a bheidh fónta, sofaighte agus uile ghabhálach a fhorbairt, i gcomhair le tuismitheoirí

Opening Hours
9:00am – 5:00pm

Phone Number
021 4310500

Email Address
About Cork City Childcare
Cork City Childcare is one of the 30 County/City Childcare Committees set up throughout the Country. Cork City Childcare is the first port of call for both parents and childcare providers when trying to access many of today’s early years’ care and education initiatives.
We have Excellent Childcare Services in Cork City. The provision of childcare is essential in enabling parents to work or return to education. Accessible affordable childcare is fundamental to the social and economic life of our city. Cork City Childcare is working very hard to support the development of the quantity and quality of childcare in Cork.
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Childcare Services
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Cork City Childcare provides support to:
- Childcare and Early Education Providers
- Childcare and Early Education Practitioners
- Parents
- Childminders
- Parent & Toddler Groups
- Childcare and Early Education Students
- Those interested in a career in or involvement with the Early Childhood Care & Education sector