What is a Childminder?
A Childminder single-handily cares for a small group of children in the childminder’s own home.
A childminding service involves an individual taking care, by his or herself, of children under the age of 15 years, for payment, in the childminder’s home. A childminder is self-employed and provides a paid childcare service for a minimum of 2 hours a day in their own home.
Childminders offer a flexible service, tailored to each child, thereby helping parents and guardians to balance their work and family commitments. A childminder negotiates and agrees their terms with parents. Childminders have sole responsibility for the health, safety and wellbeing of each child entrusted to their care.
Cork City Childcare Committee offers a dedicated information and support service to childminders and those interested in setting up a childminding business in the Cork City area.
A variety of consultations, such as phone, email, online or face to face meetings are available to childminders or potential childminders to support you in with your business needs. We provide information on the following:
- General start-up information
- Overview of the Tusla registration process
- Childminding Pre-Registration Training
- Information on funding schemes
- Training opportunities for childminders
- The Childminding Development Grant
If you are considering becoming a childminder in your own home, please contact Cork City Childcare Committee on (021) 4310500 and speak to our Childminding Development Officer.
Childminding Regulations
New Childminding Specific Regulations have been launched by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DECDIY). To access these regulations and the guidance document please follow the links below.
Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) (Childminding Services) Regulations 2024
The Childminding Development Grant
Every year the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) provide funding for Childminding Development Grants (CMDG). The CMDG is a capital grant of up to €1,000 to assist existing or potential childminders to enhance safety and quality in the service, through the purchase of small capital items, equipment, toys or for minor adaptation costs. Childminders can apply for the maximum grant amount every two years or apply for a partial grant amount in one year and apply for the remaining balance the following year.
The Childminder Development Grant 2024
Applications for the Childminding Development Grant opened on 16 May and close on 7 June 2024.
Childminder Pre-Registration Training
All childminder must complete the Childminding Pre-Registration Training. This is a new mandatory course for anyone who intends to register a childminding service with Tusla.
To take this training course you must be:
- 18 years old or over
- Self-employed and providing a paid childcare service in your own home
- Currently working as a childminder and intending to register with Tusla, OR intending to work as a childminder and register with Tusla
The aim of the Pre-Registration Training programme is to help you:
- Understand the new childminding regulations
- Apply the regulations to your childminding practice
- Understand the Tusla registration process for childminders
- Understand the documentation required to register with Tusla
- Access supports and resources
This training is organised and deliver by Cork City Childcare Committee. If you are interested in attending this training or would like more information please contact us and speak to our dedicated Childminding Development Officer for information and support.
Childcare Services Relief (Childminder’s tax exemption)
The Childcare Services Relief is available to childminders who care for 3 children or less in their own home at any one time and ear less than €15,000.
The purpose of the relief is to provide an exemption from income tax, where certain conditions are met, to individuals who provide childminding services in their own homes. To avail of this, childminders should register with Revenue on-line services (ROS).
The main legal obligation when becoming self-employed is that childminders must register as a self-employed person with Revenue. Childminders pay tax on the profits from their business and on any other income that they have. See Registering for Tax for guidance on registering as a self-employed person.
Additional information and Resources for Childminders
- Early Years Inspectorate – Childminding ServicesTusla – Child and Family Agency
- EYI-GDE39.3_Guide_to_the_Tusla_portal_for_Childminders_.pdf
- EYI-GDE39.2_Guide_to_Registration_Application_for_Childminders_.pdf (
- EYI-GDE39.2_Guide_to_Pre-Registration_Assessments_for_Childminders_.pdf (
- EYI-GDE12.69_Childminder_Guidance_on_Safe_Sleep_.pdf (
- Barnardos – Childminder Specific Publications
- Info for Childminders (