
Questions to consider when looking for a Childminder

Remember to ask all relevant questions for your childcare needs. Here are some sample questions to consider when making your decision:

  • Do they have Garda Vetting?
  • Are they trained in first aid?
  • Are they trained in child safeguarding
  • What qualifications or experience do they have?
  • Do they have their own transport, and will they facilitate pre-school drop offs and collections?
  • How much do they charge, is it a daily rate or an hourly rate?
  • How many other children do they mind?
  • Do they have pets in the home?
  • Do they smoke?
  • Can they provide you with written references?
  • What happens re. payment when you take holidays/they take holidays/ you are sick/they are sick/ bank holidays?
  • What if a member of either party needs maternity leave?
  • Do they provide the meals and snacks for your child/ren or do you?
  • Have they adequate home and motor insurance to facilitate childminding?
  • Where will your child/ren sleep?
  • What policies do they have in place?
  • What other people will be around my child i.e. family members, other children
  • How will they cater for my child’s settling in period i.e. how many days/hours?

Please be aware that the above are only guidelines, it is up to each individual parent/guardian to consider what attributes, skills and level of experience they desire for their child/ren.

Please note, it is recommended that you meet the potential childminder face to face before making your final decision.

How can I source a childminder?

  • Contact Cork City Childcare Committee via our Contact Form here
  • Personal recommendations i.e. word of mouth through a trusted neighbour, family member or friend
  • Free advertising in local shops, libraries, GP surgeries, community halls
  • Paid advertising on trusted sites
  • Attending a local Parent and Toddler Group
  • Trusted websites online e.g. Childminding Ireland

Remember, be cautious of giving too much personal information when advertising for a childminder. It is advisable to consider creating an email address separate to your personal one to communicate with potential childminders.

For information on why you might choose a Childminder as an option of Childcare, please visit Childminding Ireland’s website here.

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