Parent & Toddler Groups
Do you run a Parent and Toddler Group or Are you interested in setting up a Parent and Toddler group up in your area?
Now more than ever, Parents, Guardians and grown-ups are contacting us in Cork City Childcare, actively seeking opportunities for connection and interaction for themselves and their young children in their communities. Perhaps you run a group that we are unaware of or are considering setting up a group in your community in the Cork City area! If so, Get in touch! We would love to support you, in reaching these parents!
What is a Parent and Toddler (P&T) Group?
As the name suggests, parents and their children who meet in a variety of local settings, to include local community centres, parish halls or other appropriate settings for anything up to a couple of hours once a week. In recent times there is growing awareness towards potentially advertising the group as a Baby & Toddler group as it can enable for a wider range of potential carers and guardians, to include extended family, Childminders, and grandparents, to come along and get involved. The group is a voluntary service, where the attending parent/guardian has full responsibility for their own children. These groups offer parents/guardians & families the fabulous opportunity to connect with other adults, develop potential friendships, seek, or share advice and gives children safe, welcoming opportunities to play and interact with other children.
How can Cork City Childcare help you and your current or potential P&T group?
- A development Worker is available to assist with vital Information and guidance with the many aspects associated with the general suitability, running, management, and maintenance of your group.
- We can offer tailored Support in regards developing appropriate policies and procedures necessary to run a quality led P&T Group in your area.
- A development worker is available to make recommendations about P&T Programme planning or give suggestions or ideas about suitable age-appropriate toys, equipment and materials needed for the children attending your Parent and Toddler Group.
- Cork City Childcare can advise you and your group about relevant Grant or funding opportunities available to you or how fundraising may be approached to compliment the financial requirements of your P&T group.
- We can support you in developing an appropriate advertisement and communication plan. It is important that parents/guardians in the community are aware that the group is in existence! We can also offer opportunities for free advertisement through our dedicated Cork City Childcare Webpage or signposting enquiring parents to local P&T groups in the cork city area.
- Signposting to other agencies, links, or organisations, specific to supporting you and your current or potential Parent & Toddler Group
- A Development Worker is available to visit your group or potential location
- Cork City Childcare can suggest training or facilitate networking with other P&T organisers/groups in the Cork City Area.
The Parent & Toddler Group Grant
Each year, Cork City Childcare invites applications from Parent and Toddlers groups operating in Cork City for The Parent and Toddler Group Grant. The Parent and Toddler group grant initiative provides small grants for the purchase of equipment & resources, training, and other operational and start-up costs.
Parent and Toddler Grant
Following from the success of last year’s Grants, the Parent and Toddler Group Grants Initiative 2024 will offer two streams of funding:
1. Funding of €800 for existing Groups and €1,000 for the establishment of new Groups.
2. Funding of up to €300 to establish and operate Buggy Walking Groups. These Buggy Walking Groups are organised social walks for parents/guardians and young children. This stream is open to any existing or new organisations or Groups who wish to offer a minimum of six organised walks within their community.
Read the press release here
The Parent and Toddler Grant Application is now open for applications for 2024
Applications for funding under this scheme should only be made by Parent & Toddler Groups that are organised on a not-for-profit basis and involve the participation of parents in the community.
Applications must be completed and returned by 03/05/2024.
Please contact Leanne for an application form
Information or support with setting up a Parent and Toddler Group
Please contact Cork City Childcare on 021-4310500 and ask for the Development Worker Leanne Twomey allocated to supporting the Parent & Toddler groups.
Parent and Toddler Groups in the Cork City Area
Please see below list of current and active parent and toddlers groups
Some useful Parent & Toddler Group Resources are available below:
- Cork City Childcare links for various providers
- TUSLA/Early Childhood Ireland – Starting a Parent and Toddler Group
- Your Baby and Toddler group Companion ~
- Barnardos – The benefits of outdoor play
- Key messages for Parents 0-6 years ~ NCCA
- Learning and developing through play with your baby at 0-18mths
- Promoting play between parents and toddlers aged 12 months-3 years
Parent & Toddler Groups
Barnardos Brighter Futures P&T PEEP Group
Contact Person: Marion Kearney
Phone: 021-4307964
Days/Times: Fridays 09:30am – 10:30am (Term Time Only)
Beginnings P&T Group Family Resource Centre (Mahon CDP)
Contact Person: Gwen Healy
Phone: 021-4358866
Days/Times: Fridays 10:30am – 11:00am
Blackrock Toddlebums PT
Contact Person: Maeve Donegan
Phone: 086 3959362
Days/Times: Tuesdays 09:30am – 11:00am
Cork Multiples Group
Contact Person: Alexie Uí Laoghaire / Noreen O’Keefe
Phone: 024-95325 / 086 8367590
Days/Times: Fridays 10:00am – 12:00pm
Cuddles and Chats P&T Group
Contact Person: Barry Hickey
Phone: 021-4928370 / 087 1659084
Days/Times: Tuesday 10:30am – 12:30pm
FACT Ballincollig
Contact Person: Lorraine Fitzgerald
Phone: 021 4876295
Days/Times: Thursdays 10:30am – 11:30am
Hokey Kokey T Group
Contact Person: Carmel Walsh
Phone: 086 8834988
Days/Times: Monday / Wednesday / Friday: 10:00am – 11:45am
La Leche League P&T
Contact Person: Jane Farren
Phone: 021-4552357
Days/Times: 4th Friday of every month: 10:30am – 12:20pm
Newbury Playgroup
Contact Person: Deirdre Shanahan
Phone: 083 3335749
Days/Times: Weekly in blocks, not available on school holidays
POLO (Parents of Little Ones)
Contact Person: Méabh Kenny / Djamila Marouf
Phone: 087 2145227
Days/Times: Tuesday Term Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
Sparks Toddler Group
Contact Person: Kathy Hohnbaum
Phone: 021-4877260
Days/Times: Friday Term Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
Togher FRC P&T group
Contact Person: Stephanie Whiteford
Phone: 085 8612511
Days/Times: Tuesdays 10:00am – 12:00 noon
Turners Cross Community P&T Group
Contact Person: Anne Buckley / Maeve Kennedy
Phone: 087 6654387
Days/Times: Friday 10:30am – 1:30pm
Wilton Toddler Group (SMA)
Contact Person: Eileen Long / Noreen Buckley
Phone: 087 9414170
Days/Times: Monday 10:00am – 12:00 noon
Nadi and Soul
Contact Person: Emma Kearney
Phone: 089 2098789
Days/Times: Tuesdays 09:30am – 10:30am