14th December 2023 from 6pm to 8.30pm
Educators, artists, and anyone with an interest in arts in Early Years are warmly invited to join us for an evening of presentations and networking as we share experiences from a recent Arts in Early Learning and Care and School-Age Childcare Pilot Scheme. This special event, funded by Creative Ireland Programme (supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media) will see artists and educators share their experiences of working on the pilot Arts in Early Learning and Care (ELC) and School-age Childcare Scheme (SAC).
The scheme, developed and funded by The Arts Council in partnership with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY), is supporting professional artists and arts organisations to work with ELC and SAC settings, and to explore the Working Principles for Engaging with the Arts in Early Learning and Care, published by the DCEDIY. The pilot supported a total of 8 artists to work within a range of ELC and SAC settings across the country. Graffiti: BEAG supported artists Rachel Doolin, Grace Kiely and Niamh Geoghegan to work with three ELC settings in the southern region. Kids Own Publishing Partnership supported artists Maree Hensey and Naomi Draper to work with two ELC settings in the northern and western region. The Ark supported artists Joanna Parkes and Jane Groves to work with two ELC and SAC settings in the eastern and midland region. Artist Monica Munoz Marin worked with two ELC settings in the eastern and midland region also.
On the night, BEAG artists and early years educators within the southern region will share their projects, and their experiences of the pilot scheme. The event will include visual presentations followed by a discussion about the opportunities and challenges of working collaboratively and a little bit of magic!
Rhona Matheson, Chief Executive of Starcatchers, Scotland’s Arts and Early Years organisation will also speak at the event. Rhona will outline the work of Star Catchers in achieving their mission:
“To inspire babies, toddlers, and young children by including them in high quality live performances and creative experiences that fulfil their right to access a rich arts and cultural life in Scotland regardless of where they live or their background.”
Dr. Rita Melia, Lecturer in Early Childhood Education at ATU and Coordinator of the pilot scheme will facilitate part of the evening.
This event offers an opportunity for those working in ELC and SAC settings, artists and arts organisations delivering or interested in delivering high quality arts in ELC and SAC, to share and network.
A welcome reception will commence from 6pm, with presentations to begin at 6.30pm. There will be time for questions and discussion with the event concluding at 8:30pm, followed by refreshments and an opportunity to network and chat with fellow attendees. Please book your place as numbers are restricted.
Bookings can be made through Cork City Childcare: Phone: 021 4310500 or Email: info@corkcitychildcare.ie