The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) will re-open the Learner Fund Bursary to Early Learning and Care practitioners who are new graduates of a recognised Early Childhood Education and Care degree programme. The local City/County Childcare Committees (CCC) will process and appraise Learner Fund Graduate Bursary applications.

Application requirements:

  1. Application form to be completed in full and submitted by the deadline specified.
  2. Applicants must be currently working in a Tusla registered Early Learning & Care service or a childminder registered with Tusla.
  • Supporting documentation (including photographic identification) must be provided with the application form.
  1. In lieu of graduating certificates, transcripts from the third level education institution can be accepted.
  2. The transcripts must be in document/hard copy form and endorsed by the institution; screenshots of online student records cannot be accepted.
  3. The transcript can only be accepted if it clearly shows that the full award has been achieved.

 Opening date is August 14th 2023

Closing date September 29th  5.00pm 2023

2023 Learner Fund Graduate Bursary Application Form

2023 Learner Fund Childminder Bursary Application Form

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